Mongolia 1:500,000 Topographic Maps CD-ROM set. 1:500,000. QuoVadis. Contains 50+ 1:500,000 soviet military topographic maps for complete coverage of Mongolia. Available with or without GPS "moving map" software.
Mongolia Topographic Map Series - 1:200,000 Published bySoviet military. Publication dates. Scale1:200,000 Map size1º long. x 40' lat. ProjectionGauss conformal transverse cylindrical projectionKrassovsky ellipsoidKronstadt datum. Contour interval. Number of sheetsComplete coverage in 339 sheets. Index mapMongolia 1:200,000 Index Map - click here to order digital or paper quadrangle maps using our Click-to-order Index Maps. Map sampleComing soon. CommentsGood quality full-color topographic maps. Extensive descriptive text on the reverse side of the paper originals (not included with the digital maps). LanguageIn cyrillic (Russian). 65-8951Set of 339 original paper sheets$4068.00 65-89511Set of 339 non-georeferenced raster scans$3729.00 65-89512Set of 339 georeferenced raster scans$6780.00