Eritrea Topographic Maps. We can supply the soviet military 1:200,000 topographic maps for Eritrea. Please note that these are listed in our Ethiopia section.
Eritrea Travel Map. 1:900,000. ITMB. Single-sided travel map with legend, photos and inset map of Asmara in margin. There is text in the margin describing the history, cultural and physical features of the country. Elevation is shown with shading. 88 x 68 cm. ISBN 0921463731.
Detail from the map
one sheet, folded.
Eritrea National Map. 1:1,000,000. Government of the State of Eritrea. 1995. An excellent shaded relief map of this recently independent country. Inset maps on rainfall, soils and soil associations, geology and mineral occurrences, and a chart on monthly rainfall and temperature are included. Text is in the margins. While it is an expensive map, it has information not shown on the ITMB map.
One copy left, then out of print. Detail from the map
1 sheet, folded
Waterproof! Ethiopia Travel Map (with Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti). 1:2,000,000. Reise Know-How. Waterproof and tear resistant Polyart(c) synthetic paper. Detailed road map with elevation shown by contour lines. In German with multilingual legend.