Qatar Travel Map & Doha City Map. 1:230,000 & 1:20,000. Geoprojects.
Detailed road map of Qatar at 1:230,000 showing relief, communications, oil and gas pipelines and settlements with index of place names. Descriptive text giving information about the geography, climate, history and economy of Qatar with accompanying photographs.
Side 2: City map of Doha at 1:20,000 showing detailed street patterns, built-up areas, parks, important buildings and other places of interest with index of districts, street names and places of interest. Business Guide for Qatar giving useful addresses, telephone and fax numbers for ministries, embassies, banks, airline offices, hotels and other information.
1 sheet, folded
Qatar Travel Map & Doha City Map. 1:300,000 & 1:12,500. ITMB.
Detailed road map of Qatar at 1:300,000 showing relief, communications, tourist facilities, and settlements with index of place names.
Side 2: City map of Doha at 1:12,500 showing detailed street patterns, built-up areas, parks, important buildings and other places of interest with index of districts, street names and places of interest.
Sample detail of the Qatar map
1 sheet, folded
Doha MiniMap. 1:25,000. Explorer Publishing, UAE, 2008. This fold-out Mini Map of the city of Doha features an overview map plus detailed close-ups of the main areas. Map size is 48 x 33 cm.
Key Points
Qatar 1:200,000 Topographic Quadrangle Map Set. 1:200,000. Soviet government. 1975. High quality topographic maps for a country where little else is available. Each sheet has extensive descriptive text on the reverse. This set gives complete coverage of Qatar in 5 sheets. In Russian.
Set of 5 sheets, rolled
Set of 5 sheets, non-georeferenced rasters
Set of 5 sheets, georeferenced rasters
Qatar 1:100,000 Topographic Quadrangle Map Set. 1:100,000. Soviet government. High quality topographic maps for a country where little else is available. This set gives complete coverage of Qatar in 16 sheets. In Russian. Available as geo-referenced and non-georeferenced rasters; paper maps are difficult to acquire and often out of stock.