Map Sets. Country road map sets, city map sets, highest mountains set, etc.
Welcome to our section just for librarians, both public and academic. With over 275,000 maps on our web site, we realize that it can be difficult to assemble your own set of,
for instance, country road maps to update your collection. In this section we have pre-assembled a variety of sets that have proven to
be of interest to librarians. These include sets such as US state capital cities & major cities, international country road maps, and world's highest mountains map set, etc.
Each set includes a 20% discount. These sets are listed below.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or recommendations.
Russell Guy
Vice President
Map Sets
The map sets below are sets that we have put together for those libraries looking to update their road and city map collections, or looking for basic worldwide coverage.
Please note that we stock far more road and city maps than those contained in these sets; please see the individual country pages for complete listings.